Straight Forward for Schools Program
As an experienced osteopath, Dr. Brennan noticed a trend in the number of students complaining of headaches, stiff necks, shoulder tightness and lower back pain. It appeared that most of these students had little to no understanding about their posture and often their home desk organisation was poor. With a few tweaks at home, and some improved postural awareness, many of these complaints resolved very quickly.
The professional environment is acutely aware of the need for postural and ergonomic education. Students these days are under a lot of pressure and spend many hours studying at home, so why don’t we consider their posture or ergonomics? Aware of the absence of student postural education and, given her experience in corporate health education, Dr. Brennan has developed Straight Forward, a seminar specifically for students. The aim of the seminar is for students to be armed with the potential to study free of pain and discomfort and provide them with invaluable skills for now and in the future.
Students (and their parents!) who complete Straight Forward should, at it’s conclusion:
- Have an improved understanding of their anatomy
- Be able to identify both correct and poor posture
- Understand the ramifications of poor posture
- Be able to organise their desks correctly, including computer and chair positioning
- Know how to sit correctly and comfortably whilst studying
Dr. Brennan developed the seminar around actual clinical complaints of students and presents this information in a clear, simple manner. The seminar is interactive and practical and supported by a presentation, demonstrations and reference material. Straight Forward’s objective is that with better education, knowledge and awareness, preventable pain and discomfort will be reduced, allowing students to engage in their studies with greater concentration and improved focus.
After the seminar, students and parents will have the opportunity to discuss their concerns with Dr. Brennan. We can also assist with the supply of recommended ergonomic aids.
Run Time: The seminar runs for approximately 45 minutes but can be adapted to suit a particular time slot.
Cost: The seminar costs $300 + GST.
If you’re interested in, or have any queries about the Straight Forward for Schools Program, please contact Dr. Brennan via email or phone (03) 9804 5588.