We look for the cause, rather than just treat the symptoms OSTEOPATHY FIND OUT MORE Osteopaths can help with your BACK PAIN FIND OUT MORE Osteopaths will assess your biomechanics and get you back on track, performing at your best. STRUGGLE WITH INJURIES? FIND OUT MORE Usually encompasses massage, joint manipulation, stretching and so much more. OSTEOPATHIC TREATMENT FIND OUT MORE Osteopaths can help with pre- and post-natal complaints using gentle and safe techniques to help your body adapt to the growing baby. PREGNANCY FIND OUT MORE Osteopathy is a safe, gentle & effective treatment option FOR BABIES & CHILDREN FIND OUT MORE


At the South Yarra Osteopathic Clinic you will not only receive the highest osteopathic care, but we pride ourselves on looking at the big picture to try and identify the cause of your complaint.

Pain and discomfort often restricts us and prevents us from doing what we love. We know how emotionally taxing it is, it can be exhausting.

Osteopathy is an effective hands-on treatment option to help you move forward. Osteopaths use techniques like massage, stretching and manipulation to address muscle tightness and joint restriction, to improve the functioning of the body overall.

We are experienced in treating all body complaints such as lower back pain, headaches, shoulder issues and everything in-between. We are also proficient in managing conditions such as disc bulges, tendinopathies, bursitis, sprains, strains and general aches and pains.

Why not book in with one of our Osteopaths today and let’s get you back to that pain-free comfortable life.


South Yarra Osteopathic Clinic is located between Punt Road and Chapel Street at:

202/122 Toorak Road
South Yarra VIC 3141


Bookings can be made using our convenient online booking form.

You can select the date and time of your appointment, and you’ll receive immediate confirmation.

Opening Hours


Our Osteopathic Services

Osteopathy for Back Pain

Back Pain & Sciatica

Back pain is one of the most common complaints that we, as Osteopaths, treat effectively. Hands on osteopathic care, with the right education and management, will help get you back on track and free of debilitating back pain.

Osteopathy for Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries don’t have to be a reality when you train. The additional stress that training places on your body, simply highlights areas of vulnerability. The key is to identify and correct these areas so that you can perform at your best.

Osteopathy for Pregnancy


The changes to your body throughout your pregnancy are fast and considerable, and sometimes your body struggles to cope. Osteopathy can help with pain relief and management and helps prepare the body to be functioning optimally for birth.

Osteopathy for Headaches & Migraines

Headaches & Migraines

Those that suffer from headaches or migraines know it can really get you down. Osteopathy can help relieve and prevent their occurrence, by treating your neck and shoulders and addressing any restrictions.

Osteopathy for Babies & Children

Babies & Children

Birth is a traumatic process for both the mother and the child. Osteopathic treatment is safe, gentle and effective at treating some of the common complaints of infancy and into childhood.

Osteopathy for Workplace Injuries

Workplace Injuries

Aches and pains toward the end of a day are often associated with poor ergonomics and posture. At the South Yarra Osteopathic Clinic we will assess your workstation and give appropriate postural advice to address this. 

Relieve Pain, Maintain Function, Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle…

Book an appointment with one of our friendly osteopaths today!