Happy 2016! At the beginning of a new year it is a great time to take stock and assess all that is around you… Have a think about what you would like to achieve in 2016. At Yarra Osteopathy we often encounter people in the New Year who have set health-orientated goals. Is this you? What are your health and wellness goals for 2016?
Fitness? Flexibility? Get that niggling injury dealt with?
To get things going I’ll share my goals for 2016… I am still slowly returning to exercise after the birth of my baby girl last year. I currently walk three times a week, and do two circuit classes. I would like to continue the circuit and gradually commence running again. I hesitate to write down any concrete goals however a 10km fun run would be a great target for me this year. I’d like to aim for the Run Melbourne event in July. I have also committed to Feb Fast and have sworn off all alcohol and caffeine for the month. I already feel amazing! I see my osteopath monthly to ensure I can exercise and am injury free and can carry and run around after my increasingly mobile daughter! I am also in the market for a second hand running pram so if any patients have one they don’t use anymore let me know!
Here are some tips to ensure you have the best start to your new year and achieving your milestones.
- See Your Osteopath – Without seeming to be biased I believe this is the most important and thus the first step in this process. At Yarra Osteopathy we can help you with that niggling ankle, tight posture or old knee injury. Then and only then can you proceed unimpeded towards the next step. Whether the target is running, pilates or the gym it is essential you are injury free prior to starting. It’s also important to check in with us periodically to ensure you body’s “working parts are in order”. Maintaining flexibility and balance within your body and ensuring you remain injury free will make certain you’re on track to completing those goals.
- Start Slowly – As they say… Rome wasn’t built in a day. Best results are achieved with health and fitness when you slowly build on the existing foundation. If you currently walk twice a week and want to run a 5km fun run start by making your walk more brisk, increase it to four times and after a few weeks of that start including some walk-jogging. A great resource for this if you have a smart phone is the app couch to 5km. If you want to join a gym, make sure you have an assessment and start with light weights to focus on technique first and strengthening second.
- Ask For Help – Even top athletes have coaches. A personal trainer or coach will ensure you are taking a holistic approach to your health and fitness. They will make sure your week is balanced with the right amount of activity and also give you advice on diet and lifestyle. Make sure you’re seeing someone reputable as there are many “qualified” personal trainers out there these days. If you are unsure feel free to ask us and we can help you find someone. Penny Lomas and Stacie Arnao are two personal trainers we work with in the South Yarra area and recommend. Pilates is another option. Many of our patients practice this and find it to be a wonderful and holistic form of regular bodywork. We work closely with Jennifer and the team at Pilates International in South Yarra
So what are you waiting for? Get going! I can’t believe it’s already February… Before we know it, it will be March, June and need I say? Christmas!
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