
At the South Yarra Osteopathic Clinic we see a vast array of musculoskeletal complaints. These range from the common lower back pain or disc injuries, to the more unusual presentations like ankle pain or elbow discomfort. We treat the entire body!

Here we will be discussing some of the various complaints that we see at the clinic. We’ll discuss what the injury is, how it commonly occurs, what we as osteopaths would do during a treatment and then discuss what management would be prescribed. We believe that education is key and if you have a very clear understanding of the complaint and what the process is, then your chances of full injury recovery are high.

The hip flexors…

The hip flexors…

What are they? Where are they? And how can I stretch them? When you are lying on the table with your knees bent and your osteopath is poking you in the stomach a few centimetres either side of your belly button, chances are they are assessing or treating your psoas...
Osteopathy during pregnancy

Osteopathy during pregnancy

Throughout my pregnancy I have had the pleasure of taking a back seat as a patient and benefiting from many wonderful osteopathic treatments. Osteopathy is a safe and gentle treatment modality that can be used throughout your entire pregnancy for treatment of many...

Smash Repairs vs Maintenance

Here is an idea to have a think about! How do you use Osteopathy? Do you get the most out the service at Yarra Osteopathy? The way I see it there are two reasons for seeing an Osteopath. The first reason is for what I call Smash Repairs!!! You had an accident, a fall,...
Neck pain and headaches

Neck pain and headaches

Can my neck cause a headaches? At Yarra Osteopathy we see many patients with headaches. They are a debilitating problem experienced by approximately 5 million Australians (reference) and one of the most common causes of headache is dysfunction of the neck...
Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage

The Lymphatic System The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and ducts that parallels the circulatory system in the body. It facilitates the drainage of excess fluid and removal of wastes and toxins. Also contained within this system are lymph nodes. Most people...

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen; having turned into ice as a result of extreme cold. Frozen; a 2013 Disney movie that has obtained cult status amongst 5 year old girls! Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis); a condition characterised by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint   Frozen...