Posts by Lisa Brennan

Lisa prides herself on not just providing a thorough treatment addressing the symptoms, but also uncovering the cause. Identifying the cause of the complaint is pivotal for recovery. Lisa firmly believes education is the key to better health so time is spent educating in language that you understand.

Lisa is available Mondays (10:30am – 7:00pm).

QL & Hip Flexor Stretches

The QL and the hip flexor’s are two major muscle groups responsible for the health of your lower back. It is not uncommon for people with lower back trouble to have tight QL’s and hip flexors. The QL muscle stabilises us between the lower ribs and pelvis,...

Why Is Posture Important?

Sprint Vs. Endurance Muscles I explain this to almost every new patient I see as it is a really easy concept to get your head around to help you understand a little bit more about your body and why good posture is important. Sprint Muscles. These are the big bulky...

May 2019 Newsletter

A New Slick Website. We are very excited to announce that we have a new, fresh, modern and easy to navigate website for the Clinic! It has been some time in the making but we think it looks great, and is a much better reflection of where we are at as a Clinic. The...