Lifestyle Advice

At the South Yarra Osteopathic Clinic we realise that musculoskeletal health is just one component of your body health! Here we’ll discuss various different areas that will contribute to an overall improvement in your health.

Different areas that we’ll focus on are,

  • Diet
  • Footwear
  • Posture & Behaviours
  • Sleep  & Breathing
  • Vitamins & Supplements
  • Stress management

All of these topics are pivotal for improving overall health and will contribute with Osteopathy to helping you feel better!

Enough Sleep?

SLEEP: Are You Getting Enough? Top 10 tips for getting a better night sleep… In our busy, often stressful and technology-filled lives, sleep problems are becoming more and more prevalent. Sleep is so crucial to our overall health, self-healing and regulatory...

Improve Posture

Simple stretching to improve posture Let’s face it, these days we all spend a lot of time sitting at our desks, in cars and in front of computers, iPads and the like. The shape of our posture is changing as certain muscles become shortened and tight. Two of these...


Is your mind running too fast? Feel like you are always thinking and can’t switch off? Mindfulness is a state of being rather than a state of doing. It can help to ‘bring you into the moment’ so that you are able to be more effective, clear and calm, even when the...