Posts by Amelia Flynn

Amelia places an emphasis on the whole body when treating. A variety of different hands-on techniques during treatment are used, including massage and manipulation. She has completed external courses for dry needling and cupping to add to the range of treatment skills.

Amelia is available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Sick Of Elbow Pain?

The elbow is a hinge type joint meaning it can bend and straighten the arm. It is made up of three bones, one in the upper arm and two in the forearm. The bones are surrounded by a capsule and ligaments for support, small sacs of fluid called bursa and cartilage to...

Why Do I Need To Exercise?

Exercise has been proven to improve a variety of aspects of daily living that go well beyond weight loss and physical appearance. Exercise is important for all populations from teenagers up to the elderly there are benefits that can be gained by everybody,...

Knee Complaint?

Osteopathy is a terrific treatment option for knee complaints! Whether it is that irritating niggle, which isn’t debilitating, but is always there; to a more serious knee condition like patella tracking syndrome! We can most certainly help! The knee is a hinge type...

What Do Osteopaths Treat?

Although this may be a simple question, there is not a simple answer! Osteopaths are allied health professionals that can treat a variety of complaints across the whole body including the spine, joints and muscles. No matter the complaint the aim of treatment is to...